For David and me, this weekend was all party. My last party before the big change in my life. Parenthood. Every day it gets closer, I get more nervous about the birth, but this weekend it was all about a birth 25 years ago. The birth of the brand Oxbow. To celebrate this 25th anniversary a three-stop tour through Europe was organized:
Oxbow Totally Bananas. The last stop: Scheveningen!!

We started the weekend with a windsurfing session at Ijmuiden. Although we expected more, we had a nice session. With some sweet backloop action from David and a painful landing of a high jump from me the session was quite entertaining. The very gusty wind was gradually going down, so we ended the session at around half past 2. Just in time to watch the last part of the soccer match between The Netherlands and Japan 0. Not a very entertaining match, but another win. Up to the next round....

Time to go to Scheveningen. David arranged a prime parking spot for the bus. Right in the spotlights. The bus was also our place to crash at the end of the evening, so no other choice than party until the crowd had left. With free drinks the whole night we needed to lay down a solid base in our stomachs. A well prepared BBQ did the job....

With a big crowd watching
Splendid perform and seeing Kai Lenny, Jason Polakow and Levi Siver release the 25th anniversary balloon, the party was a big success despite the cold and the rain. Everybody was very relaxed including the pro's. This made it easy for me to finally ask Jason the recipe for 'Love in a bucket': four types of rum and fruit juice. In other words, I still don't have a clue :-)

At the end of the night all of us had a great party. For some of us maybe a little too great, right Walter? ;-) Time to crash in the bus....

The next morning the surf was up and the last heat off the Oxbow Waterman Challenge was held at 'De Zuid'. Big, crowded, cold, rainy and sweet action from lots of guys....

Two brothers....

He is an artist, judging Kai Lenny style....

yeah it was a great classic weekend!