A nice day with stormy winds. Especially at the end of the harbour, between the 2 piers
After a while I saw a sailboat comming from the open sea. Still with al his sails to the max. Outside on the ocean there was a solid windforce 7, but I guess at that time between the piers we had a force 9 with gusts. So when he came in het got that "surprise"..
The boat also turned nonstop around it's ax.. 30/40 rounds.. Did they have problems with steering?
Asked for help at the lifeguard at the beach and sailed to boat the check it out. when I arrived there I saw that the ends of the broken sails had broken the windows and many other polyester..
They gave me the thumb up, so I assumed it was under control.
After some time the boat went on his engine into the harbour. A pricy entrance..
De rode baron rocks! Het blijft toch een gruwelijk boardje!