Summer! So time to take the bus to the southern countries.

Encountered this German VW t2, Westfalia on the road between Bordeaux and Bayonne. Exact the same colorway as our one. After 14 hour nonstop driving in 36degrees the bus didn't start anymore after a short stop.. What was going on?? Exactly on the same spot where 2 years ago the fuelpump broke down. It was on saturday night, so no place to go.. dark and everything closed. So we ended in Londres.. where the anual village party took place. A whole night full of music and a overdose of booze.. young and old.

The next morning the bus started normal. But to get that extra check we drove to Cabreton where the fine people of Le Club Passion volkswagen are livingis. 2 years ago they helped me out with an old fuelpump so that I could continue my trip. After a chat we came to the conclusion that it could be bad fuel or a overheated bobine. They gave me a extra bobine for backup...
Thanx guys!!! Ever you are ever in Holland, you got a sleeping place/dinner at my house!

Anyway, we started the engine again and drove through the mountains to Spain. Without any pain. Think the bus needed some sleep/rest ;-)

Arrived in Portugal..
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